Public address & voice alarm system

Public address & voice alarm system

Public Address and Voice Alarm systems allow safe and controlled building evacuation to be managed in the case of an emergency. Clear voice messages can be initiated from the system to aid building evacuation. The systems can also be used to provide background music and paging system solutions.

PAVA Controllers and Speaker

Solution :

Our flexible PAVA controllers and speakers provide a comprehensive solution to control the flow of building occupants in an emergency situation. They also provide background music and public address functionality for normal day-to-day operation.Basic PA range of loudspeakers, microphones, volume controllers and amplifiers offer extraordinary audio performance and flexibility. Robust, easy to install and offering high operational efficiency, these products are suitable for a number of public address applications both indoors and outdoors. Voice Evacuation Powered by modern, innovative designs and extensive user-friendly features, Honeywell’s Voice Evacuation range offers stable performance and high-quality sound reproduction. Useful for multiple applications including offices, commercial buildings, malls, stores, etc; these products offer safety, synchronised audio transmission and consistent output, no matter what.Research has shown that over 75% of people reacted to PAVA rather than bells or alarms (13%) Evacuation is improved with the aid of clear and focussed voice alarms instructing people to evacuate and more importantly.

  • People react more quickly to a voice message than to a bell or sounder.
  • suitable for buildings of all sizes, from the smallest business premises to transport hubs and large public access buildings
  • cost-effective at any level, they can be custom-built and adapted to complex sites that may benefit from phased evacuation procedures and IP connectivity.
  • cost-effective at any level, they can be custom-built and adapted to complex sites that may benefit from phased evacuation procedures and IP connectivity.
  • firefighters can easily use an emergency microphone to make their own announcements to ensure a quick and safe evacuation.
  • modern PAVA systems now require fewer amplifiers and are much easier for staff to use – especially useful in a small organisation where personnel have multiple roles.
  • the technology can also carry messaging such as paging, advertisements and the provision of background music.
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