On Grid & Off Grid Non Conventional Energy

On Grid & off Grid Non Conventional Energy

On-grid solar power systems generate power using a solar power system and are directly connected to the utility power grid. These systems send excess power generated by the solar power system to the utility grid and consumers get compensated for the extra power fed back. Off-grid systems work independently of the grid but have batteries which can store the solar power generated by the system. The system usually consists of solar panels, battery, charge controller, grid box, inverter, mounting structure and balance of systems. The panels store enough sunlight during the day and use the excess power generated in the night.

There are two main approaches to conduct rural electrification areas in a competitive and effective way: mini-grids and stand-alone systems . Both types of systems operate independently of the national electricity.


A mini-grid, also sometimes referred to as a micro-grid or isolated grid, is an off-grid system that involves small-scale electricity generation (10 kW to 10MW) and which serves a limited number of consumers via a distribution grid that can operate in isolation from national electricity transmission networks.Mini-grids can supply electricity to concentrated settlements, including domestic, business and institutional customers, with power at or above grid quality level.Clean energy mini-grids (CEMGs) utilise one or several renewable energies (solar, hydro, wind, biomass) to produce electricity. Back-up power can be supplied by electricity stored in for example batteries or otherwise by diesel. Storage provides or absorbs power to balance supply and demand and to counteract the moment to moment fluctuations in customer loads and unpredictable fluctuations in generation.

Stand-alone systems

The second and equally competitive option is to use stand-alone systems. Stand-alone systems are small electricity systems, which are not connected to a central electricity distribution system and provide electricity to individual appliances, homes or small productive uses such as a small business. They thus serve the needs of individual customers, while utilising locally available renewable resources.To extend the time of use energy storage systems have become more popular. Storage is typically implemented as a battery bank. Power drawn directly from the battery is often extra low voltage (DC) and this is used especially for lighting as well as for DC appliances. Off-grid systems work independently of the grid but have batteries which can store the solar power generated by the system. The system usually consists of solar panels, battery, charge controller, grid box, inverter, mounting structure and balance of systems. The panels store enough sunlight during the day and use the excess power generated in the night.

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